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International “Ciutat de Tarragona" Fireworks Contest

© Manel R. Granell
© Manel R. Granell
© Manel R. Granell
© Manel R. Granell
© Manel Antolí
© Manel Antolí
© Manel Antolí
© Manel Antolí
© Manel Antolí
© Manel Antolí
© Alejandro Navarro
2-6 July

A competition of light and colour

The International “Ciutat de Tarragona" Fireworks Contest has a long tradition (1990) and has become one of the most emblematic in the Mediterranean.

The first week of July in Tarragona the show is in the sky. For four nights, the pyrotechnics compete at the Miracle point to offer the best of their art and the winner will fire the fireworks for the Santa Tecla festival.

10.30 pm - Location: Punta del Miracle (Miracle Beach)

Drone Show Festival

02/07 Flock Drone Art Girona, Barcelona, Madrid

Pyrotechnic companies 

03/07 Josman Cambeo - Coles (Ourense)
04/07 Pibierzo Villaverde de la Abadía (Lleó)
05/07  Poleggi Canepina (Italy)
06/07 Ciels en Fete Boynes (France)

Human Towers