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Where to eat

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West coast and beaches
Type of cuisine: 
Home cooking / Seafood cooking
Vileta de Mar, 5 (Arrabassada)43007TARRAGONA
977 29 01 99
West coast and beaches
Type of cuisine: 
Home cooking / Seafood cooking
Ras i Claravalls, 243007TARRAGONA
977 29 09 38 / 625 10 31 95
West coast and beaches
Type of cuisine: 
Casual cooking / Home cooking
Platja Llarga, s/n43007TARRAGONA
977 20 84 20 / 639 71 71 17
West coast and beaches
Type of cuisine: 
Casual cooking / Home cooking
Beethoven, 2-443007TARRAGONA
977 19 54 11