Genießen Sie einzigartige und unvergessliche Momente in Tarragona
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Què hi fa un crani de bou al claustre? I com és que molts sants i santes porten una palma a la mà? A partir de les peces...
Come and sail along the most beautiful beach of Tarragona, you will discover all the charm of this city from the sea! Sailing with a collective boat...
Música a la Catedral a través de la història
Com que no coneixeu la musa flautista? I a Cecília, la santa organista? Veniu, que us les presentem! Amb...
Travel to the great Roman Tarraco in an interactive and fun way. During the tour you will be given some enigmas that you will have to find out by...
The club de Vela Platja Llarga offers you to enjoy routes along the coasts of Tarragona with surfski (sea kayaking) that include a training session...
Quina música ressonava fa dos mil anys entre les columnes del temple d’August? I fa vuit-cents anys, quins instruments es tocaven sota les voltes de...