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In accordance with Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) Guide on the Use of Cookies, please be advised that this website uses cookies.

Cookies are small text files in which browsers store information during users’ visits to web pages. Cookies may collect data such as the IP address, the address being visited, the operating system and the browsing language, as well as other information. This information is not associated with any specific person, but is merely statistical data for analysing the visibility of different website content; however, depending on the information it contains and the way it is used on your computer, it can be used to identify the user.

Cookies used by this website:

Our website makes use of the following types of cookies:

Technical cookies
  • Purpose: These are our own cookies which are necessary for use of the website and the continuous improvement of the service, allowing users to browse the site and use the different services available: login, search processes, electronic procedures, etc.
  • Retention: The maximum retention period is one year. In most cases, technical cookies are deleted at the end of the session. Once this time has elapsed, the cookies are deleted.
Personalisation cookies
  • Purpose: These are our own cookies which allow users to access the service with certain predefined characteristics, such as language, browser types, regional settings, etc.
  • Retention: The retention period is one year. Once this time has elapsed, the cookies are deleted.
Analysis cookies
  • Purpose: These cookies are only used to quantify the number of users accessing this portal, making it easier to perform statistical measurements and analyses that help us to improve the website services. Aggregate data is processed without identifying users.

Analysis cookies are third-party cookies:

Google Inc. Google Analytics: these gather information about which pages of the website have been viewed, at what time, with which browser, etc. This information is then sent to Google Inc.’s servers in the United States.

Our cookies are not used for any profiling or processing that implies automated decisions with legal effects for the user, or that significantly affect users in a similar way.

  • Retention: The maximum retention period is two years. Once this time has elapsed, the cookies are deleted.

International data transfer

We do not engage in any international data transfers.

Although the information extracted from the analytical cookies is transferred outside the European Economic Area, no international transfers of personal data are made, as this information does not allow users to be identified nor can it be used to distinguish some users from others or undertake any individual monitoring of them.

Retention period of cookies

Cookies will be kept for a minimum period between the browsing session and a maximum of two years, depending on the type of cookie, as explained above. Users can revoke their consent through the mechanisms described in the following section, deleting all or some of the cookies at their discretion.

How to manage cookies in your browser

Cookies are installed whenever the user authorises their installation in their browser, either on the web pages themselves or in links, or referenced by links, without at any time collecting personal or confidential data or behaviour profiles from the user and guaranteeing user anonymity at all times.

Cookies are only installed when the user ACCEPTS their use the first time they log on to the web portal. A small information window appears where you can configure the acceptance of cookies that are not essential for the operation of the website.

The user may at any time refuse or revoke their consent to the use of cookies. Users who do not wish to receive cookies, or wish to limit the installation of certain cookies, or want to be informed when they are installed, can configure their browser for this purpose.

Users can manage the cookies installed on their computer by configuring the browser options. Below we show you how you can change the cookie settings in the most widely used browsers on the market for your PC version.

Instructions for managing cookies in the most common browsers can be found at the following links:

If you use other browsers or platforms, please refer to the specific information provided by the browser developer.

If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services or features of the website may not be available.