Fire, music, and human castles are the backbone of the St. John Festival in Tarragona
The main events of the St. John Festival take place in El Serrallo, Tarragona's seafarers´ neighbourhood, with the arrival of the flame from the Canigó, and on the Rambla Nova, with the Fire Parade, led by the local fire groups (Ball de Diables, Drac, Bou, Griu, Víbria and Colla de Diables Voramar del Serrallo), accompanied by some invited groups, which ends with the lighting of the bonfire. Kermesses (street parties) take place in different squares around the city, ending at dawn.
On the 24th of June, at dusk, the traditional St. John's Day castellers' (human towers) festival takes place, with performances by the local castellers: Xiquets de Tarragona, Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona, Xiquets del Serrallo and Colla Castellera Sant Pere and Sant Pau.