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25-28 April

The best jazz music in Tarragona

The only festival in Spain dedicated to dixieland, the origin of Jazz, popular music from New Orleans from the end of the 19th century. Every year it holds more than thirty concerts and activities in different areas as theatres, bars, restaurants and also in the open air.

The Tarragona Dixieland Festival reaches its 29th edition. As part of its specialisation, it will take the rhythms to squares, streets and markets, while seeking to rediscover the most carefree spirit with a touch of the gulf. The jazz sounds linked to the origins of this style born in cosmopolitan and multicultural New Orleans will be mixed with the innovative trends of 21st century metal and percussion bands.

Festival dixieland


Don't miss it!

Dixie & street. Gata Brass Band 

25/04, 12.00, Rambla Nova, from the Metropol Theatre to the Cañellas steet

25/04, 18.00, Rambla Nova,  from the Metropol Theatre to the Cañellas steet

26/04, 19.00, Plaça Corsini, Central Market

Dixie & street. Steam Bass Band 

25/04, 12.30, Central Market and Plaça Corsini

25/04, 18.00, Central Market and Plaça Corsini

26/04, 12.00, Rambla Nova - Metropol Theatre segment / Rambla Nova -  Bank of Spain segment / Rambla Nova - Collegiate of St. Theresa of Jesus segment

26/04, 18.00, Rambla Nova - Collegiate of St. Theresa of Jesus segment / Rambla Nova - Metropol Theatre segment / Rambla Nova - Bank of Spain segment

Dixies evenings. Gata Brass Band 

25/04, 20.00, Espai Jove Kesse

27/04, 19.00, El Magatzem Theatre

Dixies evenings. Steam Bass Band 

25/04, 20.00, El Magatzem Theatre

27/04, 19.00, Plaça del Fòrum

Scamp Dixie. Gata Brass Band

26/04, 00.30, Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona

27/04, 22.30, Xiquets del Serrallo

Dixie & concert
The music of Woody Allen's films
Selva Big Band & Sandra Fern

26/04, 21.00, Auditorium of the Diputació


Open class of tap dance for kids27/04, 11.00, Plaça del Fòrumfree
Dixie & vermouth. Bulbalkan27/04, 12.30, Plaça del Fòrumfree
Dixie & stoves. The Feos' Experience27/04, 14.00, Centre Cultural Antic Ajuntament€3
Jove Tgn Big Band & Sheila Trujillo, with Rambla Music Big Band27/04, 19.00, Capsa de Música - Espai Tabacalera€3
Dixie & concert. Divinas: Moonlight Serenade27/04, 21.00, Auditorium of the Diputaciófree
Scamp Dixie. Bulbalkan27/04, 23.00, Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragonafree
Dixie & vermouth Big Band BUMT28/04, 12.30, Plaça de les Colsfree

More activities: look at the programme

'Feria de Abril'