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A route through the history of mediaeval Tarragona

The city of Tarragona conserves several major monuments from its mediaeval past. Its abundant Roman ruins are thus supplemented by a rich medieval artistic heritage best epitomised by the city’s Cathedral, which offers outstanding examples of art and architecture from the Middle Ages. This route was designed to acquaint visitors with this part of the city’s past, weaving a single tour from the many mediaeval monuments and sites of interest.

The city was an important ecclesiastical enclave in mediaeval times, and magnificent examples of its religious and stately art have survived. From 1171 onwards, the churches of Santa Maria del Miracle, Sant Pau or Santa Tecla la Vella began to be built, as did the Old Santa Tecla Hospital, the present-day Praetorium tower and the Tarragona Cathedral, never completed, but which was consecrated in 1331 and is a must-see. Its magnitude and the richness of its interior make it a unique monument of its kind in Catalonia.