Enjoy unique and unforgettable moments in Tarragona
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Boat rental without the need for a certification in the sport port of Tarragona. The only requirement is that the driver is at least 18 years old. No...
The club de Vela Platja Llarga offers you to enjoy routes along the coasts of Tarragona with surfski (sea kayaking) that include a training session...
Iconografia per entendre l’art. Paraules dites i escrites als murs de la Catedral
D’Anneu Flor a Estellés, Tarragona ha inspirat poetes i escriptors de...
Aerojump Tarragona has more than 2.400 m2 of leisure, fun and health. In our facilities you will find different areas where you can practice and...
Els instruments de la Catedral
Quina música ressonava fa dos mil anys entre les columnes del temple d’August? I fa vuit-cents, quins instruments es...
We can enjoy a unique experience around Roman gastronomy. A challenge for the senses that allows you to travel 2000 years ago and discover not only...
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