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We are waiting to live an unforgettable experience with new generation karts and a team of professionals at your service.
The circuit has an indoor and...
Quina música ressonava fa dos mil anys entre les columnes del temple d’August? I fa vuit-cents anys, quins instruments es tocaven sota les voltes de...
Join us before sunset for a pleasant walking tour starting at the Roman city walls. We will enter the walled Old City through the Portal del Roser...
A tour through the most monumental part of the ancient Roman Tarraco. The participants, beyond the city's physical structure, will be able to feel the...
Iconografia per entendre l’art. Paraules dites i escrites als murs de la Catedral
D’Anneu Flor a Estellés, Tarragona ha inspirat poetes i escriptors de...
Iconografia per entendre l’art
Què hi fa un crani de bou al claustre? I com és que molts sants i santes porten una palma a la mà? A partir de les peces...
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