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Música a la Catedral a través de la història
Com que no coneixeu la musa flautista? I a Cecília, la santa organista? Veniu, que us les presentem! Amb...
Tarragona, 1425. El jove Jaume treballa com a aprenent en el taller d’un pintor de la ciutat, però somia tenir, algun dia, el seu propi taller. Vol...
Boat rental without the need for a certification in the sport port of Tarragona. The only requirement is that the driver is at least 18 years old. No...
Iconografia per entendre l’art. Paraules dites i escrites als murs de la Catedral
D’Anneu Flor a Estellés, Tarragona ha inspirat poetes i escriptors de...
The club de Vela Platja Llarga offers you to enjoy routes along the coasts of Tarragona with surfski (sea kayaking) that include a training session...
Come and sail along the most beautiful beach of Tarragona, you will discover all the charm of this city from the sea! Sailing with a collective boat...
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