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The club de Vela Platja Llarga offers you to enjoy routes along the coasts of Tarragona with surfski (sea kayaking) that include a training session...
We start at the Portal del Roser, where we see the wall, the first great Roman construction on the Iberian Peninsula. We talk about the natives of...
Iconografia per entendre l’art. Paraules dites i escrites als murs de la Catedral
D’Anneu Flor a Estellés, Tarragona ha inspirat poetes i escriptors de...
Quina música ressonava fa dos mil anys entre les columnes del temple d’August? I fa vuit-cents anys, quins instruments es tocaven sota les voltes de...
Tarragona, 1425. El jove Jaume treballa com a aprenent en el taller d’un pintor de la ciutat, però somia tenir, algun dia, el seu propi taller. Vol...
We are waiting to live an unforgettable experience with new generation karts and a team of professionals at your service.
The circuit has an indoor and...
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