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1 and 2 March 2025

Discover the most spectacular Carnival parades in Tarragona

Tarragona’s Carnival stands out for the spectacularity of its parades, especially the Artesania Parade, which is held on Carnival Saturday. More than three thousand people work throughout the year to make this sensational event come to life.

Of all the city’s Carnival events, the parades always draw the biggest crowds: on Saturday, rivalries and exhibitions between the future Carnival Kings; on Sunday, the best groups from the previous year have a chance to show off their magnificence. The colours, designs and movements of the costumes are true displays of exquisite craftsmanship. Would you like see the Carnival performers doing their thing in the Artesania Parade or Lluïment Parade?

Artesania Parade

Carnival performers, floats, flags, banners and the King’s and Concubine’s retinues.

  • day: Saturday, 1 March
  • time: 6 p.m.

Lluïment Parade

The most spectacular Carnival performers from the previous year as well as the Carnestoltes and the Concubine’s retinues.

  • day: Sunday, 2 March
  • time: 6 p.m.