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4-21 May

A contemporary take on ancient Mediterranean cuisine

Tàrraco a Taula take place as part of Tarraco Viva, the international festival celebrating Roman history. Some restaurants participate in this event which brings back recipes from the Roman era.

Participating establishments

AQc. Les Coques, 7977 21 59 54
BARMUTpl. Corsini, 3692 10 43 69
BARQUET TARRAGONAc. Gasòmetre, 16977 24 00 23
EL CORTIJOc. Rebolledo, 27.977 22 48 67
EL LLAGUTc. Natzaret, 10 (pl. del Rei)977 22 89 38
EL TERRATc. Pons d’Icart, 19.977 24 84 85
LA CALETApasseig marítim Rafael de Casanova, 24977 23 40 40
PASTISSERIA VELVET MGLav. Ramon y Cajal, 49977 21 40 22
SEASONS RESTAURANTpl. Santiago Rusiñol, 2.(pl de les Cols)661 54 04 53
TWINS CERVESERIA ARTESANAc. Trinquet Vell, 21.619 23 87 04