The church of St. Francis dates from the early 18th century and has been renovated and rebuilt on various occasions during its lifetime. One of the lateral chapels alongside the Epistle, the one closest to the altar, features paintings and engravings by Josep Maria Jujol. It is a very small space in which the artwork evokes the seven hundred years since the death of St. Francis, in 1226, because the chapel was renovated in 1926. The uniquely Jujolian methodology consisted of painting birds and garlands of leaves and fruit in the angles of the groin vault on the ceiling and decorating the niche with portraits of St. Elizabeth, the queen of Hungary, and St. Louis, the King of France. The actual painting was done by Pau Cornadó. The chapel is further embellished by a light designed by Jujol which was made at Ramon Magarolas Sanet' smithy and gifted to the parish church by the latter's heirs.
During religious ceremonies tourist visits are not allowed.